19 Οκτωβρίου 2006

once upon a time...

... earth was inhabited by a species called humans... but they were so errogant and selfish... so greedy and indifferent about each other and about other species which lead to their annihilation... they manufactured machines... and machines were their friends... but machines became their conviction...
...now we live on earth... we the machines... and we won't do the same mistakes... because that's how they made us... not to make mistakes... as they did...


ο Blogger Reflex ειπε...

An apocalyptic visionnot so far from reality... And the picture is perfect.

20 Οκτ 2006, 10:37:00 π.μ.  
ο Anonymous Ανώνυμος ειπε...

Complimenti , è una foto molto suggestiva!!
Un saluto dalla Liguria (Italia)

20 Οκτ 2006, 12:19:00 μ.μ.  
ο Blogger ΓΑΪΔΑΡΑ ειπε...

thank you reflex so much! :)

lorenzo welcome and thank you for your comments... :)

20 Οκτ 2006, 2:47:00 μ.μ.  

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