Takis Tloupas

a great greek photographer no longer in life... i went today to this great artist's exhibition... and i must say i was completely impressed by his black & white work... trully work of art... every photo that he took is a journey... i certainly loved it!!!
μια καταπληκτική έκθεση του μεγάλου λαρισαίου φωτογράφου... δεν έχω ψάξει καθόλου το θέμα της φωτογραφίας γενικά... αν και πολύ θα το ήθελα... μπορώ να πω ότι έμεινα γοητευμένη απο την δουλειά του μεγάλου αυτού φωτογράφου... κάθε φωτογραφία του ένα ξεχωριστό ταξίδι στην ελλάδα... στον κόσμο... στον άνθρωπο... σας προτείνω να την επισκεφτείτε στο λιμάνι μέχρι τις 29 Οκτωβρίου... θα με θυμηθείτε...
Wow - there must be some great photos in that show judging by the poster. Your photos are a lot of fun to look at - keep taking them!
yes Joel :)... he was really a great photographer... those days (he was born in 1940) there were many difficulties in that area... but his photos are BRILLIANT... the technical part and the subjects... i wish you could see for yourself :)
...thank you for your comment... i'm having fun too :D
Ellada - Grèce
Only word I know in greek :)
it's a start :)
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