
... a wild beast came my way... flames were coming out of its eyes... something in the way it moved made me freeze... and then i heard a weird growl... i thought that was the end...
then my cousin called... "Fidel! come here my boy"... and i was hopelessly relieved and eternally grateful! :P

χιχιχιχ αφασια ειναιιι!!!Αλλα την μαους δεν την φτανει κανενα γατιιι!!!
και ξέρεις μικρέ ε... είναι του ξαδέρφου μου που σου 'χω πει ότι μου θυμίζεις... φοβερό άτομο σαν κι εσένα!... μακιααααααα :)
LOL re LOL Fidel? :o
ciao ballena!!
hahaha... Fidel yes!!! :D
did you notice that the cloud (in my blog) looks like a heart? (the title is, indeed, "almost a heart")
yes... you are right!!! :)
Long life to Fidel ! :P Those eyez!
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