2 Σεπτεμβρίου 2008

το πλάσμα...



ο Blogger Andrea ειπε...

Such a good idea.
The image and the title.
A good title is an important part of a picture...


4 Σεπ 2008, 7:50:00 μ.μ.  
ο Blogger gaidara ειπε...

Thank you andrea! :)

It is a creature that i found in the sea near the beach... some say that the Chinese consider it fortunate to find and keep this shell because it brings money... they say! :D

5 Σεπ 2008, 5:24:00 μ.μ.  
ο Blogger Reflex ειπε...

You will become rich! if so, will you invite me to Greece? ;)

20 Σεπ 2008, 7:11:00 π.μ.  
ο Blogger gaidara ειπε...

Imagine i found three of them! Now i have two, i had to get rid of this one because out of my mistake the STINK was unbearable ! :D :D :D

20 Σεπ 2008, 9:26:00 π.μ.  
ο Anonymous Ανώνυμος ειπε...


:) That's good you have two left :D

24 Σεπ 2008, 2:37:00 π.μ.  

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